Sharp pain in chest and throat

If the individual sore throat and chest pain can be triggered by various causes, that when it comes to simultaneous pain in the throat and chest, comes to mind only one possible cause - acute respiratory viral infection.

After recovery, the person becomes hard to breathe, and he has a pain in the chest.

Bronchitis - is an inflammatory process in lungs. Do not we all know that this disease can appear separately from the common cold and without apparent reason (inflammation can induce a person familiar to allergy or hypothermia).
During bronchitis virus infects the respiratory portion through which oxygen enters the lung. The main symptom of this disease is a cough and chest pain. At first, the characteristic dry cough, but after increasing the number of released sputum, shortness of breath and wheezing develops.
The inflammation may be accompanied by symptoms of colds standard: fatigue, runny nose, pain in the throat. As with any inflammation, bronchitis temperature increases. After the heat runs, but the cough may be accompanied by another person for a long time, so as bronchitis tend to slow recovery from inflammation.
Found himself bronchitis symptoms, do not delay the campaign to the doctor, because the delayed treatment of inflammation can lead to asthma.