How to get rid of dehydration headache

Water - the second most important after oxygen substances necessary for life. Water scarcity causes great stress, altering the hormonal balance, increases the blood concentration, the acidity of the body.

Critical signs of dehydration:

back pain,
rheumatoid arthritic pain,
leg pain when walking,
muscle pain,
the pain of colitis and constipation,
pain in the heart,
Morning nausea and vomiting during pregnancy indicates the thirst of the fetus and the mother.

How to get rid of a headache.

Put a cold compress. Cold compresses act as a local anesthetic. No need to put the ice, it is best suited for this purpose, frozen vegetables, wrapped in a cloth. This put a cold compress on the forehead or temples in the area. You can use plain cloth dampened with cold water.

Massage the temples with the use of essential oil of mint. Components contained in the essential oil relieve headaches. But, in addition to the temples, you can do neck and shoulder massage to reduce stress.

Put mint tea bags on closed eyes. Take two bags of mint tea and dip them in hot water. Then lie down, close your eyes and place is not very hot mint tea bags on the eyelids. Lie about 10 minutes.

Dip your feet in warm water with a few drops of lavender oil. Warm water will warm feet, enhance blood flow, and thereby reduce the pressure in the blood vessels throughout the body, including the head. The scent of lavender oil helps relax and relieves pain.

Drink chamomile tea, rosemary and ginger. Take a 15 minute break, brew tea and drink it slowly in a quiet room. Chamomile tea contains substances that reduce pain and help relax. It is believed that rosemary tea and rosemary prevents an increase in pain. Ginger is used to treat headaches and dizziness, and is very good in case of migraine. Put two pieces of ginger in a pint of hot water, cover the pan and leave it to the very low heat for half an hour ..

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