What is the rare blood type in humans

    According to official figures, the most rare type of blood is a fourth negative. Such donors are hard to find and sometimes impossible. In such cases, doctors resorted to the most different solutions, as quickly as possible to save the man. On the other hand the positive fourth is more common that a little easier to find. This group is the youngest and mysterious, even today in 2015. She has appeared as a result of the merger of the first and second groups. People with this blood, have a flexible immune system, which indicates the presence of mixed marriages. This blood group is fairly complex environment of biological solutions even for 2015. It is believed that such blood appeared relatively recently, nearly a thousand years ago as a result of mixing the Indo-Europeans and Mongoloids. Of course, now it is no longer news and medicine in 2015 precisely the phenomenon was not surprised. But before doctors just went crazy at the thought of how it happened and whether it is possible at all. That only is the modern medical equipment operating at full power in Israel, Germany or Spain.

    People with such a group rather special and have their performance traits, health status and other features. Often it concerns health and nutrition. For example, people with a fourth blood group can not deal with a lot of physical exercise, as their bodies are the weakest such "feats". Sports can be replaced by something lighter and more acceptable to the body. The most suitable replacement is yoga. As for the character, so people inherent nobility, kindness, peace of mind, they are more creative and have a kind of mental organization. In general it can be said that the owners of a rare fourth group may be concerned only about the donation. In all other qualities than not deprived compared with other people. Sometimes the only character can disappoint, because spineless people rarely seek what is its own. They are hard to cope with their emotions and get into a fist.