Essential oil for depression

    Essential oils in the body increases the production of 6 times the major mediators of cell-mediated immunity - the T cells are stimulated in such a way that the natural protection and strengthen the nervous system. This conclusion was made by Russian scientists G. N. Borysyuk Ostapchuk in the last century.

   Thus, essential oils improve mental and physiological parameters of the body, the immune system is corrected.

Depression can be significantly improved by using the group of citrus essential oils.

   Headaches, Increased fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, irritability successfully treated with oils of rosewood, citrus, Ilan-ylang, basil, juniper, mint, geranium, cypress, rose, lavender, patchouli, marjoram.

Tosca and discouragement yield to oils bergamot, geranium, chamomile, jasmine, neroli, lavender, sandalwood, orange, ylang-ylang.

When a mental disorder, obsessive fear of appearing rose, tea tree, vetiver, violet.

Improve mood, remove headaches, fatigue, insomnia, help with essential oils of lavender, sandalwood, geranium.

Total sedation provide lavender, sandalwood, rose, hops, geranium, melissa, neroli, jasmine, marjoram, chamomile, bergamot, valerian, vetiver, patchouli, benzoin, Petitgrain.

Deep relaxation will give frankincense, juniper, vanilla, clary sage, Ilan-ylang.

If you are required special attention (eg, driving), use these oils with caution. Clary sage can cause nightmares and hallucinations, if combined with strong drink.

The efforts of concentration and memory lavender, jasmine, lemon.

HOW TO USE: 10 drops of any of the above use of oils in the bath (2-3 times per week) or aromalampe (daily).

To improve memory shows a mixture of oils of rosemary (4 parts), basil and thyme (3 parts), use the burner to 10 drops.